Carsten Maschmeyer

Startup-Investor, Entrepreneur & Author
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Carsten Maschmeyer is a successful entrepreneur, advisor and financial investor. He was born in Bremen on 8 May 1959 and grew up in Hildesheim, where he completed his Abitur (higher-education entrance qualification) in 1978. In order to be able to finance his subsequent studies in Medicine, he worked during his studies in the sales department of a financial advisory firm, before committing to financial consultancy on a full-time basis in 1982.

In 2007 Carsten Maschmeyer sold all of his shares in the business to the largest Swiss life insurer, Swiss Life. Today he advises decision-makers on sales strategies in numerous businesses. All of his investment activities are combined under the strategic umbrella of the Maschmeyer Group. From early-stage financing, expansion financing as well as investments in publicly-listed organisations, he backs sunrise industries and growing markets.

Aside from this, Carsten Maschmeyer supports numerous projects aimed at helping children; he is an honorary senator of the Leibniz University in Hanover and a freelance lecturer at the International School of Management in Munich. Motivated by his personal interest in psychology and neurology, he promotes the „Neurological Learning“ project at the University of Hildesheim and he co-founded the international „Neurobionic“ foundation. Together with the director of the Max Planck institute, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Holsboer, he founded the HMNC firm in Munich, which has specialised in the treatment of depression and brain disorders.

Carsten Maschmeyer became a best-selling author with his book entitled „Selfmade – erfolg reich leben“, and he is much in demand as a speaker on the topic of success. He is father to two sons and is married to the actress Veronica Ferres.

Innovations & Mega Trends
Sales & Marketing
Economy & Politics
Global Trends
Motivation / Strategy
Start Up